The Witchery

by | Jun 17, 2016 | Blog

The Witchery is Edmonton’s own little Internet occult shop that brings European Traditional Witchcraft and Southern-style conjure magick to the North. It is run by a practicing hedgewitch with a touch of hoodoo influences. Mesmerized by herbs, religious iconography, and the Dead, The Witch is a lover of low magick who believes that everyone’s world can be enhanced by the use of spellwork.

TheWitchery.Ca was featured on Season 9 of Dragons Den, where the Witch attempted to impress the dragons and silence Michael Wekerle with her infamous oils. Sadly her pitch ended up on the cutting room floor. You can view her brief cameo here:

All Witchery Exclusive Oils, herbal preparations, and incenses are handmade by the Witch with genuine roots, herbs, and minerals that she locally wildcrafts herself. Under the watchful eye and influence of her spirits and ancestors, each piece is concocted to help you on your Path.

From love, luck, and money drawing, all the way to hexing, jinxing, and banishment, there is something for everyone at The Witchery.

The Witch encourages looking at www.TheWitchery.Ca as she is not able to bring everything with her to the Bison and free local pickup is a set shipping option. Order at your leisure and your items will be wrapped and ready for pickup at The Witchery Market on Feb 20th.


